Palm Inc apparently hasn’t quite learned the importance of timely firmware updates. The Treo 700p has been criticized widely for its problems with Bluetooth, crashing, being sluggish, and a host of other issues. To add insult to injury, Palm’s Treo 680, a newer device, has already seen its first firmware update.

Even Palm admits the Sprint & Verizon Treo 700p units are still full of bugs…
In fact, Palm had to announce the update for the Treo 700p was “still coming” despite releasing the Treo 755p, which has all the fixes the Treo 700p was supposed to add in the first place. With an integrated antenna being the only hardware difference on the Treo 755p, Treo 700p owners are angry, and that’s an understatement.
Palm at the start of last month finally announced a timeframe for launching the Maintenance Release (MR) for the Treo 700p: the week of May 28th. Just to tick off Palm users a bit more, Palm reinvented the definition of “week of” and bumped the date to “a week from” May 28th… to June 4.
So, tomorrow, over a month after the Treo 700p was discontinued, its issues will finally be addressed. Oh, only for Sprint users. Palm has no idea when the same patches will be issued for the Verizon Wireless version of the Treo 700p. However, Verizon users can take solace in knowing that the Treo 700p still hasn’t been discontinued, Verizon users will have to wait about a month or so to have the privilege of buying a Treo 755p.