Nokia has confirmed on their sponsored FutureWatch blog that the N-Gage
platform will be revived in September with Electronic Arts and Gameloft
serving as key game developers. Rumors of its revival made the rounds
on the internet when Nokia hosted a secret conference with mobile game
developers a week ago in Santa Monica, California.
No mention of
devices was made and no confirmation was given as to whether a
dedicated device would be released.
The N-Gage was Nokia’s failed
attempt to compete in the mobile gaming market but won a dedicated
following due to the inclusion of Bluetooth and the Series 60
smartphone OS. It was derided heavily for its awkward design and
placement, which led to a redesigned QD version before support was
completely by Nokia.
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Update: Apparently a developer working for Nokia spilled the launch date a little too quickly, as all traces of a September launch have been pulled, but more information is expected at the Game Developers Conference in March.