The Bluetooth SIG today took the wraps off of what was previously code-named their “Best of Bluetooth” campaign. The Experience Icon program is a new series of Icons that the SIG will use to promote Bluetooth profiles on Bluetooth products. Using the Experience Icons, manufacturers can quickly alert potential buyers to what profiles a Bluetooth device has.

From left to right: Print, Input, Headset, Transfer, Music…
The icon set is currently not complete however. The SIG has stated that they will roll out more icons for profiles later this year, such as Dial-Up Networking, and automotive hands free. The SIG’s motivations behind this program stem from Verizon’s crippled implementation of many Bluetooth profiles on phones. For example, Verizon prevents the ability to transfer pictures and ringtones from a device to the phone, in order to promote Verizon’s Get-It-Now content store. Experience Icons will not be approved on devices customized in such a manner.