Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “AT&T Confirms 3G Coverage Expansion on 850Mhz”

  1. AT&T announces satellite phone plan | Going Cellular

    […] AT&T will beef up its 3G coverage using some 850 MHz spectrum purchased from Verizon. This became available after Verizon was forced […]

  2. JJ

    Shouldn’t they have been 3g already in a whole bunch of places? If they weren’t 3g in a lot of areas then why say your the biggest 3g provider. Att is full of it. They sell an awesome 3g phone but you can’t even access their 3g network. What kind of business is that?

  3. AT&T Confirms 3G Coverage Expansion on 850Mhz : Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

    […] AT&T Confirms 3G Coverage Expansion on 850Mhz Bookmark […]

  4. iPhone Pulled from Online Sales in New York City and Suburbs |

    […] issues in a major market as the carrier has also rebanded 3G access to 850 MHz in order to improve service with mixed results. Trackback | Permalink […]